General terms and conditions

I. Introductory provisions and basic terms

  1. These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GTC" or "Terms") govern the rights and obligations of the operator and users in the provision and use of the services at
  2. The operator of the portal (hereinafter referred to as “Portal”) and the service provider is Mgr. Ľubomír Striežovský (hereinafter referred to as “Operator”), with registered office Vansovej 8/108, 965 01 Žiar nad Hronom, ID: 40 391 639, VAT ID: not subject to VAT, Tax ID: 1048325300. E-mail address:; tel. contact: +421 948 020 527.
  3. Service means online information services, which the Operator provides for the supply and demand of kickbox competitions between Users (hereinafter referred to as "the Service").
  4. The Portal User is any natural or legal person who enters the Portal and uses the Services provided by the Portal Operator (the "User" or "Users").
  5. The Organizer is the natural or legal person organizing aKickbox sports event (hereinafter referred to as "Organizer").
  6. The Club is an association of citizens, who engage in volunteer interest in kickbox sport through the association. Individual members who are not members of any registered club can also be registered as the Club for registering to the kickbox competition (the "Club").

II. Basic Terms of Use

  1. The Operator acts as an intermediary between the supply side, i.e. the Organizer and demand side, i.e.. the Club. Through the creation of technological background and means of communication, the Operator provides the possibility of creating the kickbox competition and the opportunity to compete with individual clubs for the Users. Obligations between specific Users arise from the closing of the application and these Users bear all responsibility for its proper performance as well as for any claims for damages and claims arising therefrom.
  2. The Operator is not responsible for the content of the files and the provided information or for any obligations between the Users arising from the creation of the competition and the application for competition.
  3. The Operator is not responsible for the misuse of the data published in the files and the provided information by third parties.
  4. The information published on the Portal under the "Competitions" tab is provided by the organizers of the competition. Operator is not responsible for the correctness of the information.
  5. The use of the Portal Services is only possible upon the User's consent with the Terms.
  6. Služby Portálu sú poskytované podľa cenníku stanoveného vo Všeobecných obchodných podmienkach.
  7. If the User, by using the portal services, publishes opinions, speeches, suggestions, texts, images or other posts ("Posts") electronically or otherwise, the User grants the following rights to these results of posts, and even if they are part of the Act no. 618/2003 in Collection of Laws on Copyright and acts related to copyright (the Copyright Act), as amended (the "Copyright Act"): to use, modify, copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, publish, sublicense, transfer or transmit any communications of this type and to generate derived works, to sublicense the unlimited rights to the third party for performing any prior rights granted in relation to such Posts. By publishing these posts, the Operator may not use these posts anyway and is entitled to remove these posts from the web site at his own discretion. The postponement fee is not applicable to the User.

III. Protection of personal data and privacy

  1. The user voluntarily provides personal data under Act No. 122/2013 in Collection of Laws on the Protection of Personal Data as amended (the "Protection of Personal Data Act"), for providing the portal services. The Operator also processes personal data for informing and promoting the Operator's services. The User agrees that the Operator will work with these data for information and promotion purposes and in accordance with the Protection of Personal Data Act. This consent is granted for an indefinite period and may be revoked at any time by sending an e-mail to, which will include withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data.
  2. The User voluntarily provides personal data and is aware that personal data may be made available to third parties relating to the provided services on the Portal.
  3. The Operator is entitled to declassify (if technically possible) the User's data, if it is necessary for compliance with the law or during litigation or administrative proceedings conducted with the Operator, or against the Operator; to protect or impede the rights of the Operator or the Operators of the Linked Portals; or to protect the personal security of Users of the Operator's products provided within this Portal or third parties.
  4. User data on the Portal will only be used by the Operator within the limits of the Personal Data Protection Act. The Operator only stores the mandatory data, such as the email address and password that the User entered by himself/herself when creating the user account. If the User enters other data beyond the scope of mandatory data, the Operator will also store these data.
  5. In the case of the Organizer of the Competition, the Operator shall also store the name and surname/business name of the Organizer, registered office or residence, e-mail address, ID, Tax ID, or any other information provided by the Organizer that was provided as necessary for the invoice.
  6. The User agrees to the processing, collection and use of information when using the service. The User also agrees to the use of cookies.

IV. User Registration

  1. The use of the Portal Services is subject to the registration of the competition organizer or the Club.
  2. Registered organizers may add and edit kickbox competitions under the conditions stipulated in the GTC.
  3. Registered clubs may enter individual competitors or teams to the competition organized by the organizer.
  4. Users registered in the system sutazekickboxing give consent to publish their own contacts and identifying information in their accounts.
  5. The Users are responsible for the safe storage of their login and registration data. The Users are responsible for all activities performed through their user account.
  6. The Users undertake to contact the Operator immediately after the unauthorized use of their user account and their data on the email address:

V. Account access

  1. Organizers and clubs may start to use the services without delay after filling of mandatory data.

VI. Editing of user data

  1. The User undertakes to keep his / her contact information true, accurate and up-to-date throughout the use of the Portal Services, because in otherwise, the Operator reserves the right to delete the user's account without the notifying of User.
  2. If there is false information, the User Account may be suspended or cancelled indefinitely.
  3. If the facts mentioned in the contact form have changed, they can be modified at any time in the "Account - My Data “of user menu.

VII. Behaviour of Users

  1. The User is fully responsible for the content of own published invitations to kickbox competitions and user information, including text and photographs.
  2. The Organizer is required to:
    a) ensure that the subject of the invitation is mainly kickbox competition,
    b) publish only own photos and texts or organizer has all rights (including Copyright Act),
    c) ensure that the content of the Invitation is modified so that it does not interfere with the rights of other Users and in no way prejudices their goodwill, does not harm national, ethnic or religious feelings, and was in breach with the laws of the SR.
    d) not to present false, unrelated, incomplete, inaccurate, binary data or to conceal information about all the circumstances of the competition,
    e) not to offer other products or services , only those that are directly related to the invitation to kickbox competition,
    f) not to publish the same invitation with consistent content several times if the original invitation is still valid.
  3. Each Club can be registered only once.
  4. The Operator is entitled to delete the user's offer if the User is unable to prove his / her existence in accordance with the valid legal regulations of the Slovak Republic.
  5. The Operator is entitled to cancel a User's registration without notice even if one User is registered multiple times.
  6. The User undertakes that his / her activity on the Portal will be in accordance with the Terms. The Operator is entitled to cancel the User's registration, if the User breaches the Terms.
  7. The User is responsible for fulfilling the obligations on the organizer's side of organizing competitions and on the club side by signing up for the competition through the Portal. The Operator does not act as the Organizer of the competition or the Club that registers.

VIII. Adding of announcement about the competition

  1. Adding of announcement is done by posting invitations via the "My Competitions - New Competition" interface on sutazekickboxing. The "New Competition" tab on the top bar refers to a simple form for creating an invitation. It is necessary to fill in all mandatory fields (marked with a graphical symbol *). Pictures and documents can also be added to the invitation. The competition announcement is valid until the User requests to delete it by written request sent to
  2. Added announcement and user accounts may be passed through an administrator's control that checks compliance with the Terms. The Portal Operator reserves the right to remove the announcement or user's account that is inconsistent with the laws of the Slovak Republic, good manners or otherwise unsuitable for publication and reserves the right to prevent the access of Users who breaches laws and good manners. Announcements of competition that are contrary to these Terms may be without notice to the User changed or removed, regardless of the payment of fees. If announcements of User competition are removed due to their inconsistency with the Terms, the User's conduct is in breach of its obligation to act in accordance with the Terms; the service is deemed to be given in its entirety.

XI. Service pricelist

  1. Service prices depend on the selected service. The prices include VAT.
  2. In case of change in services prices, this change will not affect the already paid fees for services.
  3. Provider provides the paid services, which are in Price list on
  4. The services are provided based on the input of the generated Activation Code. The activation code will be generated to the User after payment of the selected service. Payment can only be made via the pay24 payment gateway. After payment for the selected services, the system automatically generates an e-mail with a pdf invoice and an Activation Code. Email is generated only after payment, not earlier.
  5. Payment via 24pay (card payment, via Internet banking and other payment methods) is realized in the secure surrounding.
  6. If the Activation Code has not been delivered to the Organizer within 60 minutes, the Organizer is obliged to claim the service.
  7. In case of any payment problems, the User will contact the Provider at the or 24pay customer support -

X. Final provisions

  1. If any provision of the GTC becomes invalid, resp. it is in breach of the valid legal regulations of the Slovak Republic, the Operator and the User have agreed to seek a valid provision in the settlement of the dispute, which with its content and scope will be the closest to the provision, that has become invalid or have been in breach of the legislation in the Slovak Republic.
  2. The Provider is not responsible for the malfunctioning of the system, unless the cause is caused by third parties, Internet failure or malfunction in the server.
  3. Legal relations not regulated in the GTC are governed by the relevant provisions of Act No. 513/1991 in Commercial Code as amended.
  4. The Provider is entitled to modify these GTC in terms of effectiveness and quality of provided service. The Provider will notify this GTC change by sending the message to the User's e-mail address or by other appropriate means. If the User does not send a written disagreement with the proposed change of GTC prior to the effective date of the GTC change, so the User has accepted the proposed GTC change with effect from the effective date proposed by the Provider.
  5. These GTC are valid from 01.01.2016.